
Nancy Trent

Trent & Company Inc.

Nancy Trent is the founder and president of Trent & Company Marketing Communications, the first firm PR firm to focus on wellness. Trent & Company is known for popularizing and protecting innovative brands using many techniques including getting them in news, luxury, wellness media outlets and in the homes of celebrities. These results often lead to Trent & Company clients being acquired. Nancy launched Trent & Company over 30+ years ago and now has more than 20 talented and skilled marketers working out of offices in NY and LA on a carefully curated client roster of innovators and pioneers positioned t

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Upcoming Event Dates

2024 | ViVE: Feb 25-28; HLTH Europe: Jun 17-20; HLTH US: Oct 20-23

2025 | ViVE: Feb 16-19; HLTH US: Oct 19-22

2026 | HLTH US: Nov 15-18

2027 | HLTH US: Oct 17-20

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