
Employer Direct Healthcare

Employer Direct Healthcare (EDH) is an innovative healthcare services company focused on solutions for low frequency, high acuity events that drive a majority of costs within a self-funded company’s medical plan. EDH’s primary product is SurgeryPlus®, the nation’s leading COE solution and we are launching CareCentral™, our comprehensive cancer solution, for plan year 2022. EDH provides an end to end solution for virtually all non-emergent procedures typically covered by primary insurers and our network 2x-3x larger than peer Centers of Excellence (COEs) with 350+ locations. Our balanced network includes

HLTH does not sell or provide any personal data (including email, phone, address) to any third parties and we never will. Any communication that pretends to be HLTH or any third parties selling purported lists, discounted rooms, or any product/services are NOT AFFILIATED with HLTH and are to be considered FRAUD.

Upcoming Event Dates

2025 | HLTH US: Oct 19-22

2026 | HLTH US: Nov 15-18

2027 | HLTH US: Oct 17-20

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