Agenda Stages

Across many topics in 100+ sessions, you’ll learn where disruptions to incumbent models, roles and technologies are reshaping the entire spectrum of health. Unlike our past events, we will not theme our tracks by topic, but instead each stage will be themed by the format of the session i.e. panels, presentations, point-counterpoint discussions, etc. We will cover a diverse set of topics across all stages.


Whether rewiring care infrastructures, recreating care journeys or re-imaging community and consumer-centric health, our provocative discussions will draw you in and drive you forward.

Content Driven

Our full agenda with sessions will be available soon, so be on the lookout or join our mailing list to stay up to date!


Curious about program scheduling, when to arrive and how to plan ahead, click here.

Sample Topics

Mental and Behavioral Health

Health Equity/ SDoH

Consumerism/ D2C Movement

Evolving care delivery models

Drug development advancements

Clinical trial optimization

Pharmacy innovation- retail & online

Health policy updates

Data management & interoperability

Employer-sponsored health benefits

Omics- genomics, proteomics, microbiome multi-omics

Advancements in precision medicine

Chronic condition management

Future of virtual care

Remote patient monitoring capabilities

 Improving the patient experience

Digital health investment trends

Population health management - Rural vs. Urban

Health tech- AI/ML, robotics, VR, digital twin technologies, and others

Digital therapeutics

Alternative payment models

Culturally-centered care

Vertical and horizontal integration

Women’s health

Wellness & wellbeing


Spectators at the HLTH arena will have prime seating to witness lively discussions that move highly contested topics from the sidelines to center stage.

In an industry as complex as health, one way of thinking can’t win over the crowd on its own. Join speakers stemming from different philosophies as they challenge each other and engage in collaborative, exciting and provocative interactions that will blow the roof off the event. These are sure to be crowd-pleasers!


Every great film has some common denominators- a beloved main character, exciting plot, a few twists and turns and of course, that epic ending.

Whether they make you cry, laugh, scream or all of the above, they will be forever ingrained in your memory. Let our presenters evoke your emotions and challenge your way of thinking as they walk you through their passion projects, successes, failures and big, bold ideas of how they will fundamentally change health. We’ll bring the popcorn, you bring the applause!


Dancing can take many forms- slow and calm, fierce and powerful, or methodical and routine.

Each form has its appeal, some are more challenging to learn than others, but ALL result in beautiful self-expression. Our speakers are coming to the disco with their unique backgrounds, schools of thought and skills to give you an exciting “dance-off” of the minds. Learn a new technique, find the sparkle in a novel idea, and at the end of the day, just have some fun discussing important health topics in an unconventional way. 


Achieving optimal wellness doesn’t happen overnight.

We plant the seeds daily for a healthy new beginning to steadily bloom as we nurture our bodies and our minds. Over time, a beautiful garden will blossom with each piece contributing to the whole as a symbiotic symphony of well-being. Experienced gardeners know that quality is everything. No need for a green thumb to join this stage featuring the future of health and wellness allowing truly preventative health to flourish.


Art is subjective, just like many of the issues impacting our health industry.

Everyone has their own perspective on display. To the untrained eye, these may look like your standard panel discussions, but they are unique works of intellectual art. Each speaker comes with their own artistic style, joining together to create a beautiful mosaic of thought forcing our audience to think differently and perhaps assign a higher value to topics previously dismissed. Panels are crafted internally to ensure both congruence and disruption. What a stroke of genius!

Main Stage

Let us entertain you! Drawing inspiration from all of our immersive stages, the main stage is sure to wow you.

Top leaders from all corners of the health ecosystem and some newcomers are stepping into our HLTH-a-Verse where fluff, sales pitches and diversions are non-existent. The bright lights are not an issue for these pros. They welcome the challenge of delivering fresh, new and exciting content to write home (aka Tweet) about. Step into our reimagined world of health.


Every new idea has to start somewhere.

Tune into our live news station to be first to hear the latest and greatest announcements hitting the health airwaves. Let’s not keep these breaking headlines siloed to our physical newsroom, but let the world hear them! Tweet, blog, post, applaud- let your excitement be known. Speakers are going live on air at HLTH to release new products, partnerships, trials, results, mergers, you get the point- nothing previously announced, nothing boring, just NEW news. What happens in the newsroom doesn’t stay in the newsroom. 


Gaze with us at a sea of big ideas with no end, no ceiling, no guardrails, just infinite possibility.

Water is free-flowing and unruly, if contained it will try to break out at first chance. We’re unleashing it! Presenters come with no constraints, but big picture ideas that challenge the structure of the solid ground world we stand on. What can we accomplish if we don't hold back? How far beyond the horizon can we take our ideas if we are able to share them with a trusted community of advocates. Sail with us on our journey to make our mark on health’s history!

About Us

HLTH Inc. is a dynamic community delivering unique value to the healthcare industry through a mix of unparalleled global events, inspirational content, and impact-driven initiatives.

USA Event Dates

2025 | ViVE: Feb 16 - 19 Register | Sponsor
2025 | HLTH: Oct 19 - 22 Register | Sponsor
2026 | ViVE: Feb 22 - 25
2026 | HLTH: Nov 15 - 18
2027 | HLTH: Oct 17 - 20


2025 | HLTH Europe: June 16 - 19 Register | Sponsor
2026 | HLTH Europe: June 15 - 18
2027 | HLTH Europe: June 21 - 24
2028 | HLTH Europe: June 19 - 22

Commitment to Data Privacy

HLTH does not sell or provide any personal data (including email, phone, address) to any third parties and we never will. Any communication that pretends to be HLTH or any third parties selling purported lists, discounted rooms, or any product/services are NOT AFFILIATED with HLTH and are to be considered FRAUD

© 2025 HLTH, INC. All Rights Reserved